Sunday, 23 March 2014

     It's been a good weekend.  It started early because Abigail was invited by some friends to go see a preview of the new movie Divergent on Thursday night.  The showing was at 9pm, so better than a midnight showing, but still it was a school night.  I racked my brains for a reason to not let her go but couldn't think of one, other than the fact that it was a late showing on a school night.  So, she went. 
     I didn't see her until Friday afternoon, when she came home from school, packed an overnight bag, and went straight back out again to attend an overnight 'youth conference' with our church.  All of the teenagers in our church between the ages of 14-18 who live in about a 30 mile radius from Poway were invited to attend this event.  It was at a campout-type place near here.  They had all sorts of activities, which included team building exercises, a dance, and religious devotionals where the teenagers had a chance to express their faith in what we call a 'testimony'.  They don't have to, of course, but it is very encouraging as a parent when you hear that your teenager gave their testimony.  Today Abigail said to me, 'I bore my testimony at youth conference.  You're welcome!' 
     Abigail came home late last night, having had VERY little sleep on both Thursday and Friday nights. She was exhausted!  This happens to her a lot, actually.  She goes to these events and she comes home with fatigue and some kind of illness.  Being a social butterfly, she just wears herself out.
     Imogen also had a big weekend. She had an all-day track meet up in Los Angeles.  I think she ran very well.  It was her first ever track meet.  I dropped her off at the school at 5am, and she didn't come home until 9pm.  Then it was off to a sleepover at friend's house. 
     We had a great blessing this weekend.  We had been looking for a double bed, but couldn't find anything in our price range.  On Saturday Tim found a double bed, a mattress, a box spring, a dresser, a bedside table, and bedding, all for 200 dollars.  Fabulous!  We also bought some bunk beds for the little girls.  So, all of the children have beds, and it no longer looks like we are camping in our new home.
     This morning we had choir practice before church.  I am the choir director, and we are working on a big Easter program, which has songs and scripture readings detailing the events of Easter from the Last Supper to the Resurrection.  I love the songs we are singing.  I've selected some songs from Bach's St. Matthew's Passion, and others from Mormon composers.
     Then it was off to church - for three hours!  Imogen gave a talk in church about the importance of choosing good friends, and being a good friend.  She did really well.

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